Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Friday - 1

Welcome to the first official Family Friday on my blog!

This has all come about because of a Christmas-time failure.  I had intended to make fabric wrapping paper with an image of the gift's recipient, but I procrastinated and (surprise, surprise) ran out of time before the gift exchange.  And wound up being late for dinner. 

But that failure has sparked a new idea, one I hope I can carry through until the end of the year. 

But I am very lazy. 

And I have a very large family. 

But so far so good today, so, here we go!  The first official Family Friday entry is......Dana Joy!

 I intend to carry on with colorful fabrics from my stash, but in this case I think I prefer the color print. 
Something about the eyes works better here.
Or, rather, the eye.

I'm so excited to print the next one! 
But you'll have to wait until next Friday.