Friday, May 4, 2012

Days 122 - 124 Industry

Well, I haven't taken many pictures, but I've been productive! 
Or resting.  Nasty cough won't go away.

Day 122
I managed to mow the lawn and put another dent in clearing out my vegetable garden Tuesday night, but that was about it.  It did me in!
I may have won the battle, but I feel like the weeds are winning the war over our yard.  You can't tell too much from this picture but they've taken over and at present I don't have the energy to do anything about it. Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon and we'll have a few more sunny evenings.

Day 123
Wednesday I forgot to take a picture, but as it was rainy and pretty much all I did was work on bills and rest there was nothing much to document anyway!

Day 124
Last night I finished the latest Family Friday print. 
I think it's time for a new ironing board!  Maybe I should get myself a grown-up one?!

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